Bishop of Rome and head of the Catholic Church

“By ‘ecocide’ we should understand the loss, damage and destruction of ecosystems of a given territory, so that its enjoyment by the inhabitants has been or may be severely affected. This is a fifth category of crimes against peace, which should be recognised as such by the international community.”


Primatologist, anthropologist and Founder of Jane Goodall Institute. UN Messenger of Peace

“The concept of Ecocide is long overdue. It could lead to an important change in the way people perceive – and respond to – the current environmental crisis.”


UN Secretary General

It is "highly desirable" to include ecocide as a crime at the International Criminal Court


Environmental Activist

On 16th July 2020, Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, anuna de Wever and Adélaïde Carlier demanded, in an open letter, that all EU leaders and heads of state’ must #FaceTheClimateEmergency’ and “advocate to make ecocide an international crime at the International Criminal Court.”


Journalist, author and activist

"We are in an environmental emergency.”

“It is time to make ecocide a crime against humanity and put the rights of people and Nature first to create a healthy and sustainable planet for all species."

Singer, songwriter, co-founder Meat Free Monday

“Recently heard about this campaign to make #ECOCIDE (serious damage and destruction of nature) a crime at the International Criminal Court. The idea is clearly catching on... and not before time if we are to prevent further devastation of the planet. I've just signed up as an “Earth Protector” to support it.”

Image © Mary McCartney


Former President of Finland (2000-2012)

"Stopping Ecocide through international criminal law is essential for the survival of our cultures and economies and decisive in order to safeguard global ecosystems with their species variety, as the collective life insurance of humanity."


Former UN Special Rapporteur, Professor Emeritus of International Law, Princeton University

Richard A. Falk drafted an Ecocide Convention in 1973, explicitly recognizing at the outset "that man has consciously and unconsciously inflicted irreparable damage to the environment in times of war and peace.”


Scholar, Environmental Activist, Food Sovereignty Advocate and Anti-Globalization Author. Founder of Navdanya

“The ideal of limitless growth is leading to limitless violations of the rights of the Earth and of the rights of nature. This is ecocide.”


First Vice President of the European Commission

“Within 2-3 years our citizens will have the same sense of urgency pertaining to the risk of ecocide as they have now with the climate crisis, and its right to have that.”


Environmentalist, model, actress

“Mass damage and destruction of nature is called Ecocide and it should be an international crime, just like genocide. That's why I signed up to the Stop Ecocide campaign, working with lawyers, researchers and diplomats to make Ecocide a crime at the International Criminal Court.”


Executive Director of Environmental Rights Action
Director of health at
Mother Earth Foundation

“I fully believe in this cause. Making ecocide a recognised law will place a cap on the irresponsible actions of fat cats who hide behind corporate shields to destroy lives and harm the planet.”


Former Commonwealth Secretary General and author of ‘Our Country, the Planet’

“I urge serious global support for the work of the Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide, organised by the Stop Ecocide Foundation. Their ‘Commentary and Core Text’ of a definition of ‘ecocide’ as an international crime deserve humanity’s urgent attention.”


Author, spiritual leader, politician, and activist

“Polly Higgins did something extremely important. She changed the way our civilization now looks at the rights of the earth itself. By bringing the notion of ecocide into legal question, she has expanded the way we think of what is happening around us.”


Award-winning geneticist, broadcaster, world leader in sustainable ecology, and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation.

"Ecocide is not only a crime against life, it is suicidal for us because we are the apex predator that is utterly dependent on nature's services."


Founder Director and Trustee of Forum for the Future

“The idea of establishing the crime of Ecocide is both timely and compelling... I am now a fully signed-up Earth Protector! I agree with the analysis that ‘only criminal law can stop the harm’, as it’s clear that existing legal sanctions are totally failing to do what we so urgently need them to do.”


Member of the European Parliament

"The recognition of ecocides has been discussed since the 1960s and the use in Vietnam of the Agent Orange on ecosystems and the population. More than 50 years later, the gravest environmental crimes remain unpunished, and justice has still to come for the Vietnamese, and all the other victims of ecocides, humans or non-humans. We still have the choice to save our planet, or not. It is time to recognize ecocide."


Human rights and environmental activist. Former Executive Director Greenpeace International

“Currently, we allow our political and business leaders to get aware with murder. Now is the time to change that. We need direct liability for those who are destroying our future and this planet. We need fast, profound and systemic change. History only moves forward when courageous people get up and act. That’s why I support this citizen’s initiative to recognise ecocide as the crime it is.”


4th President of the International Criminal Court

"I’m firmly in favour of seeing ecocide made an international crime over which the ICC has jurisdiction."


Author, speaker, co-founder of Pachamama Alliance

“An international law of ecocide is long overdue and absolutely must happen. It is an essential component of protecting life on Earth. I fully support the Stop Ecocide movement.”


Author, co-founder of Council of Canadians, Blue Planet Project, and Chair of Board of Food and Water

“Unlimited growth assumes unlimited resources, and this is the genesis of Ecocide. The move to commodify all of nature is the next step in its destruction. The earth is not ours to plunder. Nature has rights as surely as any that exist.”


Human Rights Lawyer

“The problem in the past is that if you hold a company responsible [for environmental destruction], who sits in the dock? Who is responsible? There are real people in the company and the object of the Ecocide act is not just aimed at companies it is aimed at individuals… individual responsibility is the only way there will be any change.”


Fountain—founder, Delegate of the Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

“We are living in unprecedented times directed by prophecy. The Mother Earth is calling us all into action—to unify and stand up to protect her and all life. The Original Peoples are her voice and live by Nature’s law. Stop Ecocide understands such wisdom. In this action, we are stepping away from those who are destroying Life, and stepping with those that protect the sacredness of Life. Our very survival is at hand. We must be mindful, as we choose our next steps!”


Founder, Synchronicity Earth

"It is high time we rekindle our relationship to the natural world, and embrace our deep connection. This means many things, as well as evolving our thinking about the laws that govern us to include the multitude of species and ecosystems that we share our Mother Earth with."


Founder President of the Club of Budapest

“In these days when the human impact on the environment is becoming everyday more evident and proves to be not only damaging to our surroundings but a serious threat to human life and survival, it is imperative that we should declare Ecocide a Crime Against Peace.


Author, speaker & ocean rower

“Women have a crucial role to play in protecting our planet and restoring our relationship with the natural world. We’re already seeing women of all ages from teens to eighties stepping up and speaking up on behalf of the Earth, the late, great Polly Higgins among them. It’s wonderful to see Jojo stewarding Polly’s legacy, and taking it to ever greater heights.”


Founder of, Sea First Foundation

"We call our planet Earth, but in fact we should call it "Planet Ocean". Over 70% of the surface itself consists of ocean/sea... it is literally vital that we have a healthy ocean... the Sea First Foundation supports this initiative wholeheartedly. Ecocide law will protect the ocean from the damage and destruction caused by humans."


Founder, Planetari

“Thank you for this vital work. It’s unthinkable that we have no laws to prevent killing the life support system that sustains all life on Earth. Tantamount to facilitating suicide, infanticide, genocide – let's work together to stop ecocide and start looking forward to a brighter future!”


Chair of Uniting for Peace

“The catastrophic degradation of environment, destruction, damage or loss of ecosystems is happening on a mass scale everyday as more and more carbon emissions are emitted by the ever increasing industrial output in our world. The best way to overcome it is to adopt Polly Higgins proposed Law of Ecocide for the safety of future generations.”


Co-founder, Gallifrey Foundation

“Today 90% of big fishes are gone, 90% of fish-stocks are overfished; Contrary to popular belief, there aren't plenty of fish in the sea. Stop Ecocide allows us all to speak out to protect the ocean that provides our oxygen, our water and our lifeblood”


Founder of Liology Institute. Author & Cognitive Historian

"If ecocide were declared a crime by the ICC, this could have a daunting effect on those corporate tyrants who currently know they can get away with devastating the world’s “sacrifice zones” where they are pillaging the earth’s resources for profit."


UK MP for Brighton Pavilion. Former Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales

“Establishing the law of Ecocide would signal a major breakthrough in the way we deal with crimes against the natural world. Polly Higgins’ groundbreaking proposal to list Ecocide as the fifth global crime against peace would go a long way towards deterring and holding to account CEOs, companies and nations.”


Educator, author and Executive Director of the International Charter for Compassion

“As stewards of the Earth, we must bear the burden to protect the planet from ecocide. The proverbial clock is ticking, and it is our responsibility right now, to acknowledge and stop acts of environmental injustice locally as well as globally.

Damage to our ecosystems is a violation that is detrimental to the health and existence of all species. We must work together to NAME these crimes as well as those who perpetrate them.”


Co-Founder of Scientists For Future & Author

"The number of human victims due to environmental destruction and the advancing climate crisis is increasing more and more. That is why it is only logical to hold those responsible for ecocide liable in the same way as for war crimes."


Co-Founder, A Plastic Planet

“For decades we have used Planet Earth as a treasure chest to plunder, destroying habitats, endangering those we share our home with and giving back nothing but pollution. It’s time mankind realised that this selfish, mindless destruction must be prevented by law. It is murder at the grandest scale. We at A Plastic Planet support this call for a new global law to prevent Ecocide. Our children will judge the actions we take today most harshly.”


Human Rights Lawyer

"As a lawyer and father, I plea for laws that effectively protect our planet, our children and our future generations. Recognising the human right to a healthy environment and ecocide law at the global level, will definitely help. We only have one planet and time is running out. Ecocide will mend our criminal law system. Join us, get on board: become an Earth Protector."


"There is an urgency here and recognition of the crime of ecocide at the international level might just be the tipping point we require to elevate our collective consciousness and action toward a safer planet."


Lawyer and author

”The worldwide destruction of Earth’s climate and biodiversity is proof that our current legal system is failing to protect the natural ecosystems that all life depends on. We need to develop more earth centric laws that acknowledge and protect the innate rights of nature itself, such as a law on ecocide.”


Founder of Greenhouse

“Making ecocide an international crime is an essential step towards tackling the global climate crisis. Given the events of the past year, and in the run-up to COP26 and beyond, an ecocide law is the key to holding corporations and governments to account for damaging our planet. The Stop Ecocide campaign plays a crucial role in driving this process forward and it has been inspiring to work alongside such a dedicated and passionate team of women.”


Author & journalist

“I believe [a crime of ecocide] would change everything. It would radically shift the balance of power, forcing anyone contemplating large-scale vandalism to ask themselves: ‘Will I end up in the international criminal court for this?’ It could make the difference between a habitable and an uninhabitable planet.”


Concert pianist & mother

Human beings ... are intrinsically connected to the entire web of a living universe. Nothing expresses this more powerfully than the movement which brings Ecocide alive as an internationally recognised crime.”


Executive Coach, Activist and LinkedIn influencer

"Once we have the International Crime of Ecocide, it will seem the most natural thing in the world, and we will wonder why humanity didn't do it sooner"


European Division

“The World Peace Prayer Society welcomes the Law of Ecocide to be recognised as a crime against peace.”


Climate Justice Campaigner & Creative

“Globally women are on the frontlines of defending the land from exploitation and are leading climate movements to protect biodiversity from the violence of extractivism. To ensure the future of our planet an ecocide law needs to be passed urgently in order to protect the land and the women who defend it.”


Activist, business woman, strategist

“It is clear to me that it is women globally from every culture and every economic background who are holding the love, courage and vision we need to transform our globe into a natural society of equity and harmony. At the root of this change is Jojo Mehta and of course her collaborator the late Polly Higgins - against all odds they are starting to succeed to get global legal and institutional recognition for acts of ecocide... like my mother they are not phased by the continuous set backs and dismissals... they the warriors of our future - there is hope for us all in their fierce love of life.”

Simon Hamilton.png

Co-Founder and Director of The Hamilton Group

“I am convinced that making Ecocide a Crime against Peace will make Heads of State and those who run corporations think very carefully about authorising activities which might lead to major environmental damage.”


Peace Ambassador, Barrister, Author, Musician

"Personal harmony is the potent droplet with a rippling effect on the ocean of planetary harmony. I believe that an ecocide law will foster harmonious coexistence among humans, animals, plants and the Earth system.”


Founder & Director, The Sustainable Angle

"The destruction of ecosystems and the environment - ecocide - MUST be enshrined as an international crime! The fact that in the 21st century we still debate whether to protect the environment as an end in itself is simply shameful!"